Church Council
Church Council has replaced both the Executive Council and Session at St. Andrew's United.
It oversees the work of all Church committees and provides support for their activities and objectives.
The Council approves budgets and all major expenditures and financial commitments of the church,
as well as overseeing the management of human resources with the exception of ministry personnel.
The oversight responsibilities include the admission of persons into full membership, administration of the
sacrament, religious training of the youth, the order of public worship, care of the poor and visitation of the sick,
the outreach of the congregation and the maintenance of all church records. Sub-committees have been appointed to
to help with the work. The Council meets approximately six times a year. The current chair is Ken Henderson.
Music and Worship Committee
The Music and Worship Committee is a sub-committee of Church Council. Members of the committee include individuals
who are directly involved in the presentation of each Sunday's service. They include the Minister, Choir Director,
Pianist / Organist, Technical / Sound person and other choir members. Together with other congregational appointees
plan and discuss all aspects of worship services at St. Andrew's United, select communion dates and arrange on site
and off site special worship services and musical events. Music is a vital part of our ministry at our church.
The Committee is also responsible for arranging pulpit supply during the Minister's vacation or other absences,
encouraging lay participation in worship services, arranging ministering to residents of nursing homes
on a rotating basis with other churches and making recommendations whether on the hiring of a new
pianist / organist or the maintenance / purchasing of technical equipment used in worship services.
Music and Worship meets approximately six times a year. The current chair is Jennifer Auld-Cameron.
Local Outreach and Global Concerns
The Local Outreach and Global Concerns Committee ( LOGC ) is dedicated to caring for others in both our community
and around the world. LOGC supports local programs like Community Dinners and Refugee Placements. It also supports
global programs like Water of Life in Africa. A major activity of the committee is fund raising to support the benevolent fund
administrated by St. Andrew's United Church. The current co-chairs are Glenn Ross & Ron Laking.
Affirming Committee
The Affirming Committee, was created to explore the process and implications of becoming an affirming congregation.
This committee now works to create a place where ALL people belong. St. Andrews has been an Affirming Congregation since 2009.
The Affirming Committee mandate is to ensure our Affirming Ministry is always empowered and thriving.It also focuses on
bringing increased awareness to all marginalized groups. The Affirming Committee reports directly to LOGC.
For more information on being part of this important ministry, contact the chair Stewart Zaleschuk by email at [email protected].
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee was formed to assist Church Council with the ministry to those unable to participate in
regular worship. Mostly shut-ins who are no longer able to attend Sunday services. Pastoral Care organized a
Friendly Visitor Program where volunteers are matched with shut-ins to visit and ensure everything is going well.
Audio recordings ( CD's ) of each week's Sunday Service are delivered to all congregational shut-in members.
Other areas of activity have been undertaken. The current chair is Wanda Langille.
The Facilities Committee was formed to assist Church Council with managing the maintenance and operation of the facility.
The current co-chairs are Ken Henderson and Allan Bruce.
Stewards and Trustees
The duties and powers of the Stewards and Trustees are mandated by the Manual of the United Church of Canada.
At St. Andrew's United Church, the duties of the Stewards and Trustees are combined into one joint committee.
The Stewards manage the securing and disbursing of the funds required to operate the church, prepare budgets and
report on financial matters to the Church Council. The Trustees are responsible for maintaining the building and property.
The current chair is Janine Boutilier.
Ministry and Personnel
The Ministry and Personnel Committee ( M&P ) is the body with which persons or groups may share their questions or
concerns regarding ministry personnel or staff and their work. Ministry personnel or staff can also share their questions
or concerns in the same manner. M&P's specific functions are providing support and facilitate two-way communication
among the Minister, staff and congregation, compiling and reviewing job descriptions, reviewing salaries, benefits and
terms of employment before making recommendations to the Church Council at budget time, and conducting annual
staff reviews. "Commendation and Concern" forms are available in the entrance way to Sanctuary. Any member of the
congregation can use this form at anytime to register their praise or raise their concerns. It must be signed and returned
to the Ministry and Personnel Committee. Confidentiality will be kept, but the contents will be shared with all concerned.
The current chair is Alan Fredeen.
Third Truro Group
The Third Truro Group Committee consists of a Group Commissioner ( approved by the Area Commissioner ),
Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and other interested adults. Representatives from each of the sponsored sections
( Beavers, Cubs and Scouts ) are also on the committee. The committee is responsible for registration of youth,
finding and screening section leaders, fund raising and overall management of the Third Truro Group activities.
The current Group Commissioner is Jeff Cameron.
The mandate of the Nominating Committee is to fill vacancies on committees as they occur due to retirements,
resignations or the expiry of fixed term of office. The committee searches out members of the congregation who are
willing and possesses the appropriate skills to fill existing vacancies. The committee is also responsible for
periodically updating the Church Handbook. The current chair is Don Cameron.
Latest version of St. Andrew's United Church's
Handbook for Boards, Committees and Task Groups |
Latest version of St. Andrew's United Church's
"Living Faith Story" |